September 2024 – CDF Online Update, Scams Awareness Week & More

September 1, 2024

Message from the General Manager

Welcome to Spring 2024,

Staff at the CDF Wollongong are testing the new version of CDF Online which is scheduled to be introduced in late September 2024 with many changes and including a major security improvement with the introduction of One Time Passwords or OTP. OTP means that when you login to CDF Online you will be prompted to enter a password that will be shown on the mobile phone number you have registered with us.

Please contact any of the CDF team Michelle, Juanita, Chris, and Harrison if you have any questions.

Warm Regards,
Trevor Kellam

Donation Point Tap (DPT) Devices

CDF is currently replacing the existing Donation Point Tap (DPT) devices. The new devices have better capabilities for future connectivity (4G and wi-fi availability) plus improved functionality for donations offering more than one amount to be selected by parishioners/visitors. The replacement process through the supplier, Quest Payment Systems is almost complete with the devices to be delivered shortly to our CDF Office. Thereafter, the delivery and installation of the new device to parishes will commence.

There is an opportunity for your parish to purchase additional devices if required.

The existing devices will be cancelled following delivery and installation of the new devices 

New CDF Website

What is changing?

  • Refreshing our CDF brand is part of the update – not a wholesale change, simply an update.
  • Improving the security and capability for CDF staff to have access to update forms and information quickly and easily.
  • Improving the look and functionality including the addition of more information for our clients.

SCAMS: Awareness Week 2024 (26 to 30 August)

 This Scams Awareness Week – The National Anti-Scam Centre is encouraging Australians to speak up, share their experiences with others to report scams to Scamwatch.

  • SCAM ALERT: Criminals are calling people and pretending to be from the National Anti-Scam Centre. They tell you that your phone number is being used in a scam in China and offer to help your ‘clear your record’.

STOP  –       Don’t give money or personal information to anyone if unsure. Say no, hang up, delete.
CHECK –     Scammers pretend to be from organisations you know and trust – like myGov or your bank. If you’re not sure, call the official number of the organisation to check.
REPORT –  The more we talk, the less power they have. Report scams to us when you see them.

Get support and stay in the know: Scamwatch is a website run by the ACCC and provides information about how to recognise, avoid and report scams. The ACCC’s Scamwatch website provides up-to-date information about scams. 

CDF Online Update

This is a project that involves all CDFs and will see a big update in the look of the system as well as improving client security with the introduction of One Time Passwords (OTP). 

OTP means that an SMS message is sent to your registered mobile phone to allow access to the CDF Online banking system when logging in. 

Training for parishes, associations and our large corporate customers has taken place recently.

The project is scheduled for completion by late September and if you have any questions please contact the staff of the CDF.

Thank you for all your support throughout the year!